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/// No Age Restrictions


Back to the Future

It STILL looks like I'm getting flipped off

Lynn Dokes is picking her nose

These girls be bumpin' WHAAAT

Part two in a series of two. This shot was taken my Freshman year at Ball State, spring 1998. The other's from my senior year of High School, spring 1997. The only difference is a year's worth of college education, a little more hair on the chin and a little less up top. Yet, I look like two completely different people. It's pretty frightening, actually. One shot is like a dressed up Jason Mewes, the other appears to be Shaggy from Scooby Doo (a show which I have always despised) with sunglasses and a tux. So I'm a stoned loser or.... a stoned hippy. Nice.

Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.

Maurice, the One and Only Llovin' Llamb The Father-Son moment, Year One My Turn at Drums Putting My Wallet Chain to a Practical Use

Since I mentioned it in the header and I love the series, I've linked your ass on up to Back to the Future, a true 80s classic. Second up, in case I haven't nailed it home with repeated mentions in the copy and a link right above this text, click the photo of young Sean to see this same shot, one year in the past. It's like a crazy time machine, and I'm your mad scientist. Last, but not least, I was on a roller coaster the next day to celebrate 'After Prom.' Click the screeching Sean head to see more photos from the second prom gallery, and check out my escort.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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