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/// No Explanation is Suitable


Ghostbusters 2

Shield Your Eyes

Cowboy Bebop Box Set. I want this.

Mikey Takes a Ride on the Lamberger Express

Nothing I can say will make this photo "OK" for public consumption. There's really no explanation for what's going on here, what you see is really what you get. While enjoying the reception festivities, Mikey happened to mention how much he'd really enjoy a horsey ride at that moment, and I was more than happy to oblige. If you could take a look at the people just off-camera in the background, you'd understand the atmosphere we were doing this within... onward they glared, frightened by and perhaps just a little bit jealous of the events transpiring before their very eyes. "Guys, you're scaring the straights."

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The Hairy, Sweaty, Stinky Groomsmen A Garter Works Just Like a Rubber Band We Tell Alex What He's Just Done

I'm such a silly fool, I can't even let one silly quote go by without explaining the hell out of it. "You're scaring the straights" comes right out of the dialogue in Ghostbusters II. Go, now, and learn about this wonderful motion picture. I don't know WHAT the hell this second link is. Click the Child Cowboy and behold... it's horrifying, so be warned. And, since it's VAGUELY on topic (Cowboys ride horses), here's a link to the soundtrack to my all time favorite anime TV series, Cowboy Bebop. One of them. There are about 15 CDs full of this stuff.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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