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/// All Dressed Up With No Place to Go


Ma Fratelli had this sick sexiness to her

Goodwill for all

Dogs in GLASSES?!?

Dressed Like the Man's Man

Trying my damndest to look cool rather than ridiculous, I wound up resembling more of a hitman than anything else. The message of the day was to protest fraternities, but we didn't do a very good job of conveying that message. Especially when we woke up bright and early, donned our suits and ties (fresh from the racks at the local Goodwill), headed out to our morning printmaking class... and then promptly changed back into casual clothes and went back to sleep. All flash, no substance, I suppose.

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Al As "Dapper Dan" Exploring the Glowstick Phenomenon Fitted for Cement Shoes Jeremy Looks Exhillerated

I really, really wanted to name the band Alex, Brian and I had started "Double-0 Negative", which is a quote from The Goonies. Instead, we went for the equally-geeky "TK421," and did the punk rock thing by breaking up a couple months later. That second button is a link to the official Goodwill web site, home of a wide selection of poor, discarded suits like the one I'm modeling. I did a search on "All dressed up with no place to go" on Google, and this horrifying web site is what came up. Be careful! They have right clicking disabled!! THERE'S NO WAY TO GET AROUND THAT!!!!!


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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