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/// Robo Forces Gathering



Max Payne? Is that like Maxx Power?

The Hellraiser Thermos!!! ...no it's not...

The original gangstas

Remember these things? Yeah, I didn't either until somebody at X-Entertainment reminded me of them with a short writeup. Not only did they produce figures in this Robo Force line, however.. oh no. They'd figured these guys would become a full blown fad and rolled out the red carpet for them. Robo Force hats, shirts, fan clubs, magazines and much more were released simultaneously with the first wave of figures... and it flopped. Still, they managed to sell me on one, so I suppose it couldn't have done too poorly..right? It reminds me of the old VHS copy of Hellraiser Autumn and I rented a couple years ago. After the feature, the tape kept going... and told us all about the Hellraiser merchandise they were bringing out, including The Hellraiser THERMOS. That's an item the two of us discuss, even to this day. I really wish we had one...

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Incinerated in the Nuclear Holocaust Questioning the Wooden Bear His Arms are Around Me.. Pleased as Punch to be Near Autumn's Belly Diaries of an Unhappy Masked Wrestler

My ramblings about Hellraiser and a thermos take you, somehow, to the Amazon page about... you guessed it... Hellraiser. Since I mentioned it, I'm linking you on up to the article on X-Entertainment that reminded me these guys existed. Finally, since I've talked and talked about them throughout the page, here's a link instructing you on the history of Thermos. Enjoy.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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