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/ / /Video Killed the Radio Star


The Honda Asimo: But is he livin' life?!?!

Apple GarageBand

The Buggles: The Age of Plastic

Welcome, one and all, to the big Q.com multimedia department of loving joy and whatnot, where you can guzzle yourself some bandwidth and enjoy what sparse video / audio offerings I've decided to scatter around the page. I'm trying to keep this section Sean-centric, (sounds really Zen, I know) so most of these files will have something to do with either Autumn or I, but I won't rule out the possibility of uploading something completely random from time to time. Don't expect to prop up your feet and enjoy anything longer than five minutes, either, because I'm on a budget. Word.

Robot Livin' Life - Part 6  (0:15 - 904KB - mov)
The sixth (and final?) "Robot Livin' Life" segment, as seen on The Freezer. Snoopy makes another guest shot and once again steals the show by urinating on demand, much to the delight of Joe, Autumn and I. We were anticipating a bit of hesitation, but she plowed out there and started spraying almost before we could get the cameras rolling.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 6

Robot Livin' Life - Part 5  (0:14 - 881KB - mov)
The fifth "Robot Livin' Life" segment, as seen on The Freezer. That's Joe and Carol's dog, Snoopy, who seemed to have no qualms whatsoever about being walked down the street by a bulky, sweaty, box-encrusted man she didn't know all that well. Probably my second favorite of the series, right behind the hedge-trimming episode.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 5

Robot Livin' Life - Part 4  (0:15 - 911KB - mov)
The fourth "Robot Livin' Life" segment, as seen on The Freezer. I tower close to seven and a half feet tall when I'm dressed up like this thing, and manage to see where I'm going by peeking out of the mouth. Regardless of what history (and animation) may tell you, this robot doesn't seem to have much fear of water.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 4

Robot Livin' Life - Part 3  (0:15 - 929KB - mov)
The third "Robot Livin' Life" segment, as produced by Bleushift and seen on The Freezer. The little eyebrows on the head of the robot suit are actually magnets that we could move around between takes to display various emotions.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 3
Robot Livin' Life - Part 2  (0:15 - 913KB - mov)
The second "Robot Livin' Life" segment, as seen on The Freezer. The three remaining members of "Dont Drive Angry," my old band, got together and pounded out the theme song to these segments one evening.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 2

Robot Livin' Life - Part 1  (0:15 - 910KB - mov)
Another Bleushift-produced contribution to The Freezer, "Robot Livin' Life" is a series of 15-second shorts strewn about each episode. Autumn concepted the idea, crafted the intro and physically built the suit. I... uh... occupied said suit and developed a new respect for the people who march around Disneyland in these things.
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Robot Livin' Life - Part 1

The Freezer - Intro  (0:42 - 2.52MB - mov)
My buddies from Bleushift were working on the intro for a local cable program, dubbed The Freezer, and asked me to put my blindingly-white legs to good use as the focal point / quasi-star. I plan to allow the fanfare of being on TV to go straight to my head. You'll be able to purchase autographed glossies on this site in the very near future.
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The Freezer - Intro

The Happiest Place of All  (1:10 - 1.50MB - mp3)
My first experiment at digital music production, using Apple's GarageBand software and a USB synthesizer. The Happiest Place is an unheralded beauty, which I'm sure will rocket to the top of your iTunes playlist.
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The Happiest Place of All

An Alameda Apartment  (4.51MB - mov - qtvr)
When I moved from my small apartment on Dill Street to a townhouse on Alameda Avenue in Muncie, I naturally had to document the new place with a VR panorama. This one's a lot more elaborate than the previous one, since the building had a lot more space. Keep your eyes peeled for my shitty '91 Grand Am out in the street, a day-of-the-week-pantie adorned William Bat-ner, and the complete lack of air conditioning in the place. God, what a miserable summer that became. If you've never used a QTVR before, it's pretty simple. Click on the movie and drag to look around. Hold the "control" key to zoom out. Where you see a doorway, click on it to enter. There are nine(!) different panoramas in this movie. Mine was the room with the green comforter on the bed.
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An Alameda Apartment

The Face of God  (0:09 - 388KB - mov)
I started fooling around with my crappy old Kensington webcam a few years ago, just to see if it would import into Adobe Premiere on the fly, and produced this retarded little film about the spontaneous appearance of a holographic face on my computer desk. Look how I wave my arms like a sissy in a frenzied attempt to make it go away.
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The Face of God

Lab Assistants  (5:06 - 18.28MB - mov)
My friend BP and I worked together during our college years as computer lab assistants. Needless to say, such a job carried with it access to cutting-edge (at the time) technology and a lot (no, a LOT) of downtime. One lonely afternoon, BP came up with the idea of producing a satire of COPS set in the friendly confines of our very own lab, known to the world as AC-314. This was the end result. Keep your eyes peeled for my good friend Alex during the big fight scene, and enjoy the glory of my ill-fated bleached hair.
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Lab Assistants

A Dill Street Apartment  (1.34MB - mov - qtvr)
When I joined UCS (University Computer Services) at Ball State in the spring of my junior year, one of my major responsibilities was cruising around the campus with a camera, two dozen floppy discs, a tripod and a map, shooting Quicktime VRs of various picturesque locations. On my spare time, I busied myself with VR panoramas of my apartment, because things like that are important. If you've never used a QTVR before, it's pretty simple. Click on the movie and drag to look around. Hold the "control" key to zoom out. Where you see a doorway, click on it to enter. There are three rooms and one enormous fist in this panorama. Mine was the room with the green comforter on the bed.
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A Dill Street Apartment


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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