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Sign Language for "Piss Off"

I don't wear my sunglasses no mo'

Squirrel Nut Zippers: Hot

There is a bird in my face

Acting as only high school seniors are allowed, The Goob shares an emotional gesture with me from behind the camera. Extending our middle fingers simultaneously and sporadically was among the many emotionally pure pastimes we enjoyed during our big trip down to Cincinnatti that summer. Later we opened the hotel window, attached Goob's enormous slingshot to either side, and rained water balloons upon the innocents who happened to be in the street below. Unfortunately for our plans, there were absolutely no innocents in sight, so we settled instead for the parked cars of the hotel patrons.

Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.

G n' F'n B! Werd Squirrel Nut Zipping Racers Descrimination by Height

If you're interested in learning a brief history of the middle finger, that first link's for you. Love it. Second, I'm sporting a beautiful pair of fake Oakleys (aka 'Jokeleys') in this beautiful photograph. Follow that second button to find out how much to pay for fake sunglasses. Bottoming the list out is Hot, by Squirrel Nut Zippers. Look closely up above and you'll see I'm wearing a shirt with their name plastered across the front.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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