Continuing what's become a favorite pastime of mine, I climbed aboard The Racer at King's Island and proceeded to snap photos at my own personal discretion. Actually, now that I think about it.. the Goob took this one, from the seat in front of me. Either he's got the steady hand of a surgeon, or this roller coaster is every bit as wussy as I remember it being.
Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.
First, I've generously included a link to another page on the site dealing with the mystery of mid-coaster photography.
After that, I freshened things up with another link to a page on my own site about roller coasters.
And, to complete the trifecta, I've wrapped up the links section with yet another link to another page on the site, highlighting my need to photograph myself at high speeds.
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