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/ / /Disrespecting the Beard


Ohhhhh... What a Wookiee!

Bearded means Beautiful

Dude, those eyes be BEADY

Hooting and Honking Commence

This photo is pretty much the only explanation I need for shaving my first beard. From afar, things looked bushy, full and masculine.. but when you got up close, the facade quickly disappeared, and it was readily obvious that I wasn't quite ready for a stack of hair on my jaw. I kept hoping it'd come in a little thicker, and the result wasn't pretty. Several weeks later, I said "screw it" and shaved it all off. Nowadays, I can pretty much grow it in on a whim, which has somehow reserved me the right to avoid shaving more than once or twice a week. Basically, my rule of thumb is this; if the beard has attached itself to the chest hair, it's time to shave. Anyway, pictured here are (from the left) Brian's brother (I think his name is Jeff? I'm probably wrong), Jeremy, Alex's brother Neal, Brian and the roaring, Chewbacca-resembling host of this page. A face not even a wookiee could love..

Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.

Mikey Treats Me Like a Mare A Garter Works Just Like a Rubber Band We Tell Alex What He's Just Done

I look like such a tool with a beard, even Chewbacca becomes the ladies' choice. Click the smilin' furry beast to visit his own webpage, complete with roaring audio! For no particular reason, I've seen fit to include a link to my Amazon.com Review Archive, featuring a photo of the stately bearded Lamberger himself. Last, but not least, an AOL hometown webpage devoted to the growth of Beards. Somebody named "Beardguy" runs it. Yeah, and if I ever met somebody online whose handle was "Beardguy", I'd run.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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