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/ / /Be Still, Be Calm, Be Quiet Now...


Push those logs, young man.

Go American Dough! GO!

The Cure: Disintegration

What a wonderful pot

Autumn shows off her painfully beautiful belly, while I'm absolutely overjoyed to point out the navel ring I bought her not long ago. Very much confused by years of television oversaturation, I press her belly with my forefinger and await the obnoxious laughter of a Pillsbury dough boy. ... You know, there was an old Famicom game titled DoughBoy. No relation whatsoever, I'm just letting that train of thought I've got roll its way right off the tracks.

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Incinerated in the Nuclear Holocaust Questioning the Wooden Bear His Arms are Around Me.. Diaries of an Unhappy Masked Wrestler Oh, shit. I am SO cool

First link privileges go to the sexy lady on this page. Click the guy pushing a log to visit Autumn's web page, in all its glory. Second is a little word or two about that Doughboy game I mentioned above. Why is he so patriotic?? The world may never know... Last, but not really least (come to think of it, which one of these WOULD be least?), I'm linking you to info about Disintegration by The Cure, one of the best albums ever recorded. I quoted it half a dozen times on this page, but you can't really see more than one or two of them.


Copyright © Q 2006. If you want to link me or repackage my words somewhere else, it's cool... just let me know.
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