Reading like a prison rollcall, here stands the inexplicably arranged collection of masculinity that became, for one night only, Alex's official groomsmen and ushers. If you'll read Japan-style, right to left, the names that go along with these faces are as follows;
Assuming his best horsey face is my former roommate and Cheese Beast himself, Jeremy Craig. By his side is Brian Wyrick, best known for playing the straight man all these years. The man to his right needs no introduction, and fellow beyond that is the reason this whole schebang was even happening, Alex, the groom. Beside the groom stands his brother and best man, Neal and even further down the line, staring vacantly into the distance is the other Sean. Yes, this ceremony was majestically blessed with the presence of TWO Seans, both spelled the correct way. Light managed to get into my negatives for this event, which means I had a lot of Photoshop work to do to get them even this legible.
Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.
If it's the photos from the reception you're looking for, click no futher than the frightened, b&w shot of Al's face.
Second, since he's the only other guy in the shot with a personal website, I'll link you once again to the personal areas of Brian Wyrick. MAN did that last sentence sound naughty.
I mentioned it by name, so here's a quick link to software publisher Adobe, best known for its universally awesome program, Photoshop.
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