An even nastier photo than the shot of the groomsmen. At this point, the light that got into the negatives was meeting and greeting with the dim lighting in the church and my complete lack of a flash, creating an ugly set of photos that aren't really salvageable. At any rate, here's the entire starting lineup of the 2000 wedding procession.
Starting from the far left, we have one of the ring bearers (either Alex or Amy's nephew, I can't tell them apart), one of Amy's friends from high school whose name eludes me, the wonderful Kara Heath (seated on the step), the dual Seans above her ('brother', the boyfriend of Amy's roommate, as well as myself), Amy's sister and maid of honor, one of the nameless flower girls, the happy couple themselves, the unidentified other ring bearer, my roommate and fellow groomsman Jeremy (seated), Alex's brother and best man Neal (standing beside the groom), Brian's brother Jeff, Crystal, the not-so-nameless other flower girl (seated in the very womanly pose beside Jeremy), Amy's roommate Heather, the nearly hidden 'Akate member Brian Wyrick and the mysterious third flower girl. That's one hell of a sentence, right there.
Click the large image above to pop up the full-size, uncropped photo in a new window. You can navigate your way around the other photos in this section by clicking the thumbnails underneath this text. Or, if you prefer, you can go back to the index page by putting your browser's "back" button to use. That, or you can click right here.
Due to a sheer lack of related links and overall willpower, I've linked you again to the reception photo page. Enjoy!
This page doesn't lend itself to linkage. Really. I'm linking you to another of the photo pages from our Sophomore Year, because several of the people in this photo are in that section. Click Jeremy's head to get there.
Authors of the song that will NEVER LEAVE YOUR HEAD, The Cowsills are best known for singing "I Love the Flower Girl," a song which is only remotely linked to this page. I'm grasping at straws, folks.
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